Taking the Reins [Dark Days Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3
“Perfect? Rogue, you are what I want. That would be perfect on its own. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not with me. That’s no way to start a bonding. What are you hiding? I don’t understand. It can’t be that bad.”
“Kiss me and seal our fate with your vow.” Rogue didn’t answer or care to enlighten him anymore on the topic. Cooper knew he’d find out in due time. He just wished that it was right now. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against his mates. Rogue’s tongue pushed into his mouth hungrily, and he didn’t hesitate to match the need.
Teeth bit into Cooper’s lower lip and the taste of blood washed over his tongue. Burning engulfed the cut, but he didn’t stop in his kiss. Instead, Cooper returned the action, biting Rogue’s lower lip, back. The essence of both of them proved to be the missing ingredient in the alchemy of their passion. It was either that, or the pain that Rogue experienced. Maybe it was a little of both. Whatever it was, he wasn’t complaining at all.
Cooper’s back hit the ground hard as Rogue tackled him down. “You’re fucking mine. Forever.” The shirt was ripped from his chest with one hard jerk. “Say it, Cooper.”
“I’m yours. Forever.”
Rogue’s fingers bit into his inner thigh and spread his legs wider. A moan came from his mouth as his mate’s touch brushed against his sac and grasped on to his cock again.
“This belongs to me. And when you cum in my mouth in a minute, that’s going to be mine, too.”
Air wouldn’t come to Cooper as he watched Rogue lower and run his tongue over the head of his dick. His body jerked against the sensitivity. “Rogue.”
Slowly, he shook his head back and forth. His eyes said it all. He shut his mouth as Rogue slid Cooper’s long length more than halfway into his mouth. The sound that came from his mate’s throat vibrated throughout his body. Along with the pressure he applied, and the feel of his tongue on the underside of his cock, Cooper gripped to the hay underneath him for some type of stability.
Every inch of him was positively humming with sensations he’d never known before. It was as though his body had been awakened from a deep sleep. Rogue was gifting him with the pleasure one could only experience with a mate, and in that moment, the realization was so emotional that Cooper had tears in his eyes as he connected with Rogue’s stare.
“Our bond grows.” Rogue whispered the words in between swirling his tongue across Cooper’s tip. “What an amazing feeling.” The light stroking Rogue’s hand was doing increased. The need Cooper felt increased tenfold. His hips moved on their own accord, and Rogue was quick to grip them to stop the action. “You’re going to come, pet. And you’re going to do it in my mouth.”
Moans left his lips as Rogue lowered back down and sucked in his length again. It’d been over a year since he’d been with anyone. This was all too much. Sure, he’d made it a habit to get himself off from time to time. Especially since he’d discovered Rogue, but actually being with him was on a whole different level.
Cooper drew in air and felt his nails claw into the boards under the hay. He was getting so close, but the need to drag out his release, to savor the amazing feeling, was quickly slipping. Rogue’s hand stroked upward, meeting his lips as he made a path down his cock again.
“Come, pet. I can taste how much you want to. Give this to me. Give me the pleasure you feel.” Rogue traced his finger over the opening of Cooper’s ass. All his resolve faded in a split second. Cum shot from him hard as Rogue’s lips tightened, just past his tip.
“Oh…fuck.” Tremors shook Cooper’s legs as he felt himself being drained completely. The room wouldn’t even come in clear as he tried to focus his eyes. Pressure pressed where his hip and lower stomach met, and he tried to take in Rogue’s face while he lifted his head.
If this was how it was between mates, Cooper was the luckiest man in the world. Nothing should have felt this good. It was addicting, and even though he’d just released, he was all too ready to go again.
Chapter 3
The hill wasn’t as high as Zara had remembered. As she made her way to the top, she crouched low, staying behind the boulders and out of sight from the spotters across the way. The men of Dark Days Ranch no doubt knew they were here, and yet they’d never seen each other before. It was typical, though. The men there were elite. It was no secret. Dark Days had some of the best wolves in the world, more less the state. It was scary to be next to a pack so strong. Especially since things were unstable with McCullen Ranch. And they were allies.
A big smile came to Zain’s face as she approached. Zavier waved her over and laughed. “I was hoping you’d come. What made you change your mind?”
“I don’t know. Just curious to see what was going on, I guess.” She looked at her brothers. They looked so much like their father it wasn’t even funny. Both of their noses were thin, just like their lips. Where Zara had her mother’s round face and reddish-brown hair, Zavier and Zain had Nikolas’s dark brown hair. Sitting next to them, she’d never felt more feminine. They sure had grown in the last year she’d been secluded. Before, she’d held her head high. Knew she could kick anyone’s ass. Even her brothers held the aura of kids to her. Yet now, she was the one who felt like the little girl. It was weird how time changed things.
Zara glanced down the hill at Milly. The horse was great about not running off. It wasn’t really like she had anywhere to go, anyway, but still. It was nice to not have to tie her to anything. Being away from her set Zara’s nerves on end for some reason. Maybe because Milly was the only thing she really had left.
“So how long are you planning on staying?” Zain took a drink of his water and rested his head against the rock.
She shrugged. “Not long. I just wanted to come up here and apologize.” Zain’s cheek was slightly swollen from her hit. Damn, she thought she’d done more damage, as bad as that sounded.
“No need, sis. I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard. You coming out here shows me that you are getting a little better. I’m actually quite surprised, truthfully.”
A laugh came from her mouth and her eyes got big. When was the last time she’d actually laughed? The small changes were all too much. Too overwhelming. “Trust me. I am, too. I thought today was going to be a bad one. Guess I was wrong.”
“Well, I’m glad you decided to come. Even if you do leave soon. As long as you’re taking baby steps, it’s better than no steps at all.”
Zara nodded and lifted. She took in the land belonging to Dark Days. It didn’t look any different than their side. Although she didn’t see anyone, she knew people were there. How many or who, she had no clue.
A nagging feeling pulled at her chest and she turned back in the direction of her home. “I should probably get going. I haven’t eaten yet and I’m starving.” Her eyes narrowed. “Which is odd. I can’t remember the last time I actually felt hungry.” Zara’s heart rate jumped as once again something new hit her. She climbed a few steps down so she could stand without being seen.
“Okay, I should go.” Zara turned to leave and stopped to face her brothers. “Keep an eye on the east pass, if someone is going to cross they’ll do it there. And…pay attention to the dip below the ridge. And watch for guns, these days—”
“Zara.” Zain shook his head and laughed. “We know all of this already.”
She nodded. “Right. Okay.” The small rocks crunched under her feet as she jogged down. Damn, she was so torn. A part of her wanted to stay, yet the draw she felt to get back to the ranch was taking over, fast. Her stomach growled, and she looked down, pressing her hand against the flatness. Today was so weird. Everything felt off.
Zara climbed on Milly and took her the long way around. The more exercise for her horse, the better. Unfortunately, she still didn’t feel like it was enough. Maybe it wasn’t Milly that needed to continue. Maybe it was her.
As she approached the barn, movement from the top window caught Zara’s attention. She blinked hard, wondering if she was starting to see things. Nothing
was there now. “Milly, I really think I’m losing it.”
Getting her horse brushed down and put back into the stable didn’t take anywhere near as long as she’d hoped. Although she was hungry, Zara noticed her eyes kept going to the loft area. She looked up at the boards above her head and said to hell with it.
Slowly, she climbed up the narrow ladder and peeked inside. Nothing but hay and a few boxes covered the area. “I swear, I need help. This is ridiculous!” She pulled herself up the rest of the way and walked to the window. The view of the hills where her brothers were was off into the distance. She reached to rest her hands on the window sill and paused. Fingerprints were visible through the dust that coated the area.
Energy pushed against her back and she turned in a flash, swinging. Her fist connected with a very hard chest. The man grunted and looked down at where she’d hit. The height he stood was amazing. Zara had to crane her neck just to look into his face. Although she knew she should have been scared, fear didn’t even seem to register. Just…need.
“You weren’t supposed to come up here.”
Her eyes glared at him. The want of this stranger’s touch only made her angry. Sad. How could she betray her mate like this?
“This is my fucking barn you’re in. I can come wherever I damn well please. Who are you and what are you doing hiding up here?”
Another man lifted from the hay and Zara felt her breath catch in her throat. The bright blue of his eyes sucked her in. She stepped back, right into the wall.
“Start talking.” The men were just staring at her. Her wolf came to life and purred deep within. Of all times for her creature to betray her, now was not it. “Talk, god dammit!”
“We’re your mates,” the tall man whispered.
A laugh came from her mouth so expectantly that it surprised even her. Once Zara started, she couldn’t stop the tears that overflowed with the loud sound. So many emotions burst through her at his words that she felt like she was going to be sick. Yet, here she was, laughing and crying at the same time. “My mates.” She shook her head. “That’s funny. Really, it is.”
Zara walked past the big man and collapsed into the hay. The laughing was dying off, but the tears were still pouring down her face. Something in the pit of her stomach told her these men weren’t lying. That, in itself, was downright terrifying. She couldn’t just move on, with new mates, like her first one hadn’t even existed.
“I already have a mate. You’re wrong.”
“Had,” the big man said lowly. “Zara, you’re still here for a reason. We’re that reason. You’re meant for us now. I hate to say that with the condition you’re in, but it’s the truth. You know it is. Open yourself up and feel our connection.”
“I will not! George was my mate. Will always be…” Agony took over her chest and she closed her eyes. Now this felt like home. But the fact that it wasn’t her own emotion made it a million times worse. They spoke the truth. It was as clear as day. Yet, she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want this mating. What about George?
“My name is Rogue, and this is Cooper.” The big man lowered. His muscles were huge, and she couldn’t stop her eyes from getting stuck to his wide chest and arms. Guilt once again washed through her. Quickly, she looked down. “I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through this past year, Zara. And I’m sorry for your loss. I really am. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love. Mine might not have been a mate, but I did lose my parents at an early age. It haunts me to this day.” Rogue paused, and she could feel his pain as he continued. “My mother was killed right in front of me. I can still hear her screams as our enemies tore her apart.”
Rogue lifted his hand. “She was reaching out toward me, calling my brother’s name. Telling him to get us to safety. I’m not sure if she saw me hiding or not, but the fear I saw in her eyes right before…” Rogue looked toward the ground and Zara hesitantly reached for his hand. The moment their skin connected, a tugging pulled at her heart.
“I’m so sorry you had to see that. I can’t imagine what you went through as a child. At least with George it wasn’t violent. He was a cop.” Zara swallowed hard. “It was a car accident. He was headed to a call and flew through an intersection. The light was green and everything. But the other driver hadn’t been paying attention, and didn’t realize their light was red. He lasted two days before he passed. I knew the moment Chief knocked on my door that something had already happened to him.” A sob escaped her mouth. “I just knew. Our connection weakened so much that I couldn’t breathe.”
Rogue’s hand tightened on hers. “It had to have been devastating. Mates are who we are.” He looked toward Cooper. “I know that now. They complete us.” Cooper lowered to sit at her feet. As she looked between them she couldn’t get over how beautiful they were. Rogue was a dark mystery, and Cooper was the sexy ranch hand cowboy. Together they were a dangerous package for a woman.
“My heart.” Zara took a ragged breath at the aching in her chest at just imagining the pain she’d experienced over the last year. “I can’t go through this again. If I lost another mate—”
Cooper rested his palm up, toward her. Taking it was automatic. She hadn’t even realized she’d done it until his fingers were wrapped around hers. “We know you need time. Rogue needed time at first, too. But he saw the light.” Cooper winked at Rogue and she smiled. “We can wait for you, Zara, if that’s what you need. But I promise you, I think your pain will ease being around us, more than actually staying away.”
“Even though I know you’re right, you have to understand where I’m coming from. Even if you are my mates, what about George? I can’t just turn my back on him. Do you understand that? I can’t just go on living and start a new life. We were married. We took vows.”
Cooper looked down. “Zara, repeat those vows in your head.”
Her eyes searched his face, as she went over them. Till death… The last phrase had her eyes filling with tears. “But.” She wanted to argue about the fact that they were bonded, but that had broken the moment he passed, too. “I’m not sure I can let go of him. I can’t.”
“And you don’t ever have to. Just open your hearts to us, too.” Rogue kissed her hand and stood. “We have to be getting back soon, Zara. Tonight. You think about what you want. I’ll leave you our numbers, and we’ll wait for your call.”
“Wait.” She jumped to her feet. Even though she didn’t think she wanted the mating, the thought of them leaving was unacceptable in her head. It caused her wolf to go into a panic. “Where will you go?” Reality started to filter through. “Where are you both from?” She stepped back, her eyes narrowing.
Rogue looked at Cooper, and she could feel their nervousness. “Zara, there’s a lot of things you don’t know. But to tell you, I need you thinking rationally. I’m not sure that time is now.”
She could feel her eyes go wide. “What are you saying, Rogue? I don’t think my mind’s been this clear in a while.”
“Even if that’s so, I’m still not sure how you’d take it.”
Zara threw her hands in the air. “For heaven’s sake, a girl can’t even get a question answered around here. What do you think I’m going to do? Run and tell my father?”
Cooper laughed and looked at Rogue. His smile melted fast.
“You do. You’re here illegally.” It was her turn to laugh. “Great, my mates are lawbreakers. Always did want a guy who broke the rules. How I went from a cop to two outlaws is beyond me.”
“We’re not outlaws,” Rogue snapped. “Well, not really. Listen, Zara. This was a huge mistake. We’re just going to leave tonight and pretend we never met, okay? Cooper and I will go back to where we’re from, and I’ll file a petition with my alpha to have a meeting with your father. We’ll go that route.”
Zara’s head turned slightly as she thought about what he said. “No. I’m not so sure I like that. I haven’t even agreed I wanted to be mated to either of you.”
“You don’t have a choice,�
�� Rogue said, dryly. “Just like we don’t, either.” His eyes cut over to her.
Her head snapped back. “Are you saying I make a poor mate?” Zara put her hands on her hips. Was this guy really doubting her mating skills? Because she was a hell of a mate. The best damn one anyone could have. She didn’t do anything half-ass. Especially mating. The anger receded a little at how true that really was. Hadn’t that been why she’d been so destroyed with George? She’d given him everything she was capable of.
Rogue began to pace. “Zara. I doubt you’re a poor mate. You’re just very emotional right now. Anything I might tell you could easily be taken out of context. The last thing we need to do is something irrational that might have grave consequences.”
Sweat was beginning to drench her clothes. The later in the day it was getting, the more suffocating the barn was becoming. She walked over and opened the window all the way. “Okay. There has to be a solution to this.” Dark material caught her attention. She walked over and dusted back the hay. The backpack was all too familiar. “You’re fucking spotters.” She turned and looked at the big one. Really looked at him. “You’re from Dark Days. You! I know you. Rogue. God, why didn’t I put two and two together before?”
He didn’t say anything.
“I’m mated to the infamous Rogue. Mister badass, intel, sneaking into my territory at will, god damn…” She stomped her foot. “Do you know how close I’ve come to catching you in the past? Son of a bitch. I can’t believe this.” She couldn’t help the smile that came to her face. “You were my biggest challenge. I thrived for the nights, just to try to catch you.”
He laughed and shrugged. “Wasn’t me. I never came onto your land.”
“You lie,” she whispered. “I know it was you. You can deny it until the day you die, but I know.”
Again, he shrugged.
“So what are you really doing here? Intel?” It was almost hard to swallow as other reasons entered her mind. “Or are you here to replace my father? There’s been talk in the past of one of you brothers trying. Is that why you can’t tell me anything?”