Taking the Reins [Dark Days Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4
“Not going to happen now. I’m going back home. But you have to be aware of the dangers Triple Z faces. Your father has gotten out of control, Zara. You may have missed it, being out here, but it’s the truth. There are a lot of people ready to take this place out from under him. I was a solution for all those concerned, but not anymore. I’m leaving your father up to you. Either you put a stop to it, or someone else will. I don’t want to see you go through any more pain so…talk to him, please.”
Had things really gotten that bad since she’d last seen everyone? She sure hadn’t seen her father since the funeral. Not once had he come to visit her. Even before that he was different. It really had all changed when she’d mated George. Sure, she still had spotted while they were together, but not very much at all. Maybe once a month, if that. Time had just flown by when she was with him.
“I’ll talk to him. The last thing I need to do is take out my father so he doesn’t kill you.” She said it absentmindedly, but as the shock on Rogue’s face registered, she caught herself. “Not that I’m saying you’re weak or anything. I’m sure you’re not.”
One of his eyebrows rose at her. “You might be used to being the big bad future alpha here, Zara, but you’re no match for me. And, sorry, but neither is your father.”
“Right.” She laughed. “I forget how men are.”
“No, Zara. I’m not trying to protect my ego here. I could be alpha if I wanted.”
She brought up her hand. “If you say so.”
“Zara,” Rogue growled. The power of his wolf exploded through her. Not just throughout the room, but inside of her. Her wolf immediately lowered. The action had her head going down. Shock hit her hard. This man. Rogue. He was stronger than her. Stronger than anyone she’d ever known. Her eyes rose to meet his, and she immediately watched him curse and continue to pace. “You don’t have to worry about me. Let’s just stick with the plan. Cooper and I will go home. You,” he said, pointing his finger, “will talk to your father and get him to calm the hell down and stop doing things illegally. I’ll get Logan to contact him. Maybe our mating will ease McCullen’s fears enough to get them to back off.”
“McCullen.” Zara spit after she said the name. “They should be the ones you try to overtake. Those wolves are scum. Bottom feeders. If it were up to me, I would have taken them out years ago. My father wouldn’t let me. But I know I could have done it. Hell, maybe I still will.”
Rogue narrowed his eyes. “You will not. We’re trying to keep peace here. Not start a damn war. That’s what your father seems hell-bent on doing. Am I going to have to worry about you following in his footsteps?”
All Zara could do was stare at him.
“I’m half-tempted to put you over my knee right now.”
Now that wiped the anger right out of her. She made sure to study his face as she asked the question she was dying to know. The excitement tried to rush through, but she contained it. “As in, spank me?”
“Damn right, woman. Don’t believe me, ask Cooper. I’ve already had to set him straight. Am I going to have to do it to you, too?”
Tightening in her core nearly brought Zara to her knees. Fuck, she wished she could have seen that. If there was one thing she liked it was a good spanking. Hell, anything that brought on stimulation.
A smile came to Rogue’s face. “You like the thought of that.” He started to circle around her. The way his eyes took in her body only increased the vibrations prickling her skin. “I can smell your arousal, Zara.”
“You’re mistaken.” Her words sounded soft. They had to have because she couldn’t breathe in here. It was way too damn hot.
“No. I’m not.” Pressure pushed against her stomach as Rogue molded her against his hard body. “Do you like pain, Zara? God, if you do, I think I’ve just turned into the luckiest man alive. What I wouldn’t do to have you and Cooper restrained and under my control. I’d hurt you so good, Zara. You’d be screaming for me to keep going. Begging me.”
A delicious shiver raced down her spine. Zara quickly realized her reaction to Rogue and stepped away. Shame had her heading for the ladder. This was wrong. She shouldn’t want them. Shouldn’t wish that he’d just ravage her right there. What would George think about how quickly she was ready to give herself over to someone else?
“Wait?” Cooper lunged in front of her. “Where are you going?”
As much as she wanted to push him out of the way, she couldn’t. This man was somehow part of her now, whether she wanted to believe it or not. “I’m going inside and getting something to eat. Then I’m taking a shower, and am going to get in bed. Why? Did you want to go?” She was being sarcastic, but she immediately realized he didn’t catch it.
“Hell yeah, I do. Come on, Rogue.”
Zara lifted her hand and looked at Rogue panicked. He, as in Rogue, she did not want near her. The man was dangerous to her body and mind. He brought out things that even George hadn’t done. The wolf within him was all alpha. More so than hers, and that was completely new.
“Coop, she wasn’t serious.”
A hurt expression came to his face. “What do you mean? She said, did you want to go. I said yes.”
Rogue shook his head. “Yes, but she didn’t mean it as a question. She basically was telling you it’s none of your business, and to butt out.”
The look Cooper gave made her feel like a complete bitch. She didn’t intentionally want to cause him pain. She just couldn’t think and this was all too much to process. “I won’t tell anyone you guys ever crossed over. I’ll talk to my dad, tomorrow, and we can all go back to living our own lives. You two, together, and I’ll stay here. I don’t want this mating. I want to stay at my ranch. By myself.”
“You can’t mean that,” Cooper said, in astonishment. “Zara, say you don’t mean it.”
She glanced back at Rogue. “I do. I had a mate already. He’s dead. I see that now. I don’t want another, or two for that matter. Don’t worry about petitioning anything. You two be happy. I wish you the best.”
Zara headed down the stairs, not believing she’d just said that. Although it sounded like the right thing to say, she didn’t necessarily mean it. She didn’t want them to leave. As she headed toward the house, she prayed she was making the right decision.
Chapter 4
Rogue watched out of the barn window as Zara walked into her house. Damn, he should have slowed down. What was he thinking? He’d been so excited at her sexual excitement that he hadn’t used his brain. The fact that she liked the taste of pain was evident. He could tell by her scent that she was more than ready to dive into the pleasures, but the guilt Zara harbored over her mate should have entered his mind first.
And that was what it all boiled down to. Zara was a wolf. When their kind committed, it was forever. That’s why most of them passed away, right along with their mates. But she hadn’t. And the chances of her ever giving in to a new mating was slim to none. It didn’t matter how hard the bond tried, her stubbornness very well might never give in.
“What do we do now?” The stress pouring from Cooper was getting Rogue antsy.
“I need to call Logan. I don’t think Triple Z messes with the satellites so we should be good. Just do me a favor and keep your eyes out.” Rogue dug through his bag while Cooper took over his spot at the window. He pulled the phone from the inside pocket and turned it on. It rang twice when his alpha picked it up.
“If you’re calling, it can’t be good.” The dread in Logan’s voice made Rogue twist his lips.
“It’s not as bad as you think. Well, maybe not.”
“Then what?” Voices disappeared from the background, and he knew he’d been outside, at the ranch. Probably by the corral and horses. Logan used to train them before he’d become their leader. And although he still helped out, being alpha usually kept him extremely busy.
Rogue looked over at Cooper. “You know Cooper’s with me, don’t you?”
A laugh came from Logan’s mouth. “Is
that it? Yeah, I know. I figured as much when he didn’t show up for work. He’s your mate, isn’t he?”
“Yes. But I’m afraid he’s not the only one.”
Silence came from the other end for a few seconds. “And now what you’re about to tell me is going to cause the shit to hit the fan, am I right?”
“Yep,” Rogue said. “Nikolas has three kids. Zara, Zain, and Zavier.”
“And which one are you mated to?”
It was Rogue’s turn to get quiet. Although it didn’t seem like a big deal, it was about to be. “Zara. She’s a widow. Her mate passed about a year ago. The wolf inside of her isn’t quite right, I don’t think.” He sighed. “It’s hard to tell. She harbors a lot of pain.” And she did. He could still feel it even with her being inside.
“Anyway, she doesn’t want this mating. Logan, I just don’t think I can take out her father after she’s already lost so much. She’s rightful alpha when he passes, and she said she’s going to talk to him and try to set him straight. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t cause her any more pain.”
“Fuck me sideways, this is not what I thought I was going to hear when you called.” Logan got quiet for a few seconds. “You can’t leave, Rogue. We need you to take Triple Z. If not by becoming alpha, then by being there in the midst of whomever that person is. We need to ally up.”
“You know McCullen isn’t going to go for that, Logan. He wants Nikolas out completely.”
“You let me deal with him. As for your mate. My heart breaks that she’s already lost one, but she has new ones now. If you were here, I’d throw all three of you in Iso and let the bond kick in. As it is, that’s kind of hard for me to do with you in…” The line got quiet. “No, you’re going to do it, Rogue. You’re going to march your ass to where she is, and you’re not going to let her out of your sight for at least three days. I don’t care if you have to lock yourselves in her room, or house, or whatever. We need her to accept this. The only way for that to happen is isolation of the three of you.”
Rogue could feel himself shaking his head. “I think it’s too risky. Her house sits maybe a mile from the border of Dark Days. Her brothers pull patrol there. They come by to check on her every day.”
“Son of a bitch.” Logan groaned. “I’m half-tempted to have you bring her here.”
“Kidnap her?” The surprise was evident in Rogue’s tone. He could hear it as he tried keeping his jaw from the floor. “Are you kidding me?”
“Do I ever?” Logan’s voice was serious.
So many thoughts went through his head. But not one of them was for taking Zara away from Triple Z. “Let me try to work on her for a few days before we go that route.”
“Fine. You have a week. If you don’t have her ready to submit to this mating by then, I’ll order you to come here. Don’t make me do that, Rogue. I know you don’t want to take her away from her home, so do what you gotta do. Or else I’m going to be forced to do the same.”
Ugh, Rogue hated this. The alpha in him wanted to argue. To tell Logan not to even think about threatening him. But the truth was, his loyalty to his leader made that impossible. “A week. I got it.”
“Good. Update me in a few days.” The line disconnected and Rogue looked down at his phone.
This was it. The next week was going to be hell. But what could he do? He looked up at Cooper. “We have a week to get Zara to bond with us. We can’t fail, pet. If we do, I fear she’ll never come around. Logan wants us to kidnap her and take her to Iso. Yeah, she might bond, but will she forgive us?”
“She won’t.” Cooper turned away from the window and leaned against the wall. “What do you think we should do?”
Wasn’t that the million dollar question? He sighed and picked up his bag. “We’re moving in. Not sure how we’re going to convince her, but we’re going to have to.”
Cooper shook his head. “I really hope you know what you’re doing. I hate to say it, but I’m pretty sure she could kick my ass. And truthfully, as much as I like a little pain, I’m not looking forward to getting beat up by my mate. There’s no pleasure in that at all.”
“She wouldn’t do that, Cooper. And if she did, I wouldn’t let her touch you. If I know how to do one thing, it’s to put people in their place. I rule shit. Plain and simple. She will submit to me before it’s over with. There isn’t a person I can’t get under my control if I want it bad enough. Now let’s go.”
Rogue led the way down the narrow ladder and paused as he peeked out of the barn door. The coast was clear so he jogged toward the porch. Cooper was quick to keep close to him.
The handle to the front door turned in his hand and Rogue pushed it open. He caught the fist an inch before it connected with his face.
“And you said she wouldn’t hit.” Cooper laughed behind him.
Rogue spun Zara around, pinning her arm behind her back. “That was a very, very naughty thing you just did.” His other hand laced throughout her hair and he put his lips to her ear. “What were you thinking, Zara?”
She moaned and the arousal hit his senses hard.
“I’m thinking I was nice enough to let you stay, and now you’re breaking into my house. I thought I’d try to teach you a lesson.”
Rogue pulled her earlobe between his teeth, gently. “There’s only one teacher here, and that’s me. What I say, goes. I make the rules. And you’re going to listen and follow every single one of them. If you don’t, there will be consequences. Punishments that will have you so wet that you’ll be begging for me to fuck you, just to put you out of the desperation you’ll be experiencing. Now, tell me that you understand.” His finger tightened, and she let out a cry. “Say it, Zara.”
“So be it. Cooper, sit on the edge of the couch.” Rogue pulled at the front of her jeans and yanked them down. Cooper pushed the door shut and took his spot on the sofa.
Zara jerked against his grasp. “Let go of me, you brute.”
“Not until you learn your lesson.” Their mate’s small frame fit perfectly over Cooper’s knees. Rogue kept his fingers tightly in her hair as he gave her the first swat. It wasn’t too hard, but enough to have her jumping in Cooper’s lap.
Bright red began to surface, and he hit the exact location again.
“You can’t do this to me,” she yelled out. “You know who I am.”
Rogue connected for the third time and he couldn’t stop his cock from hardening. Her ass was so round. He wanted to sink his teeth into it. Claim what was his. Hell, maybe he would by the time it was over.
As he massaged the whelped skin, he lowered to his knees. “I don’t care who you are, status-wise, Zara. You belong to me and Cooper, but technically, you’re both mine. You better get that through your head, fast. Mine.”
His hand gripped the flesh of her ass and she moaned and moved against Cooper. “Are you ready to listen to me?”
The shake of her head had him grinding his teeth. “You’re a stubborn little thing.” He spanked her ass even harder and she turned to look at him.
“You’re going to have to do better than that if you want me to submit to you. Spanking is the icing on the cake, but not my forte.”
Rogue sunk his teeth into her ass and a moan-filled scream echoed throughout the room. The passion he’d smelt from her earlier increased to intoxicating proportions. “How’s that for a forte? Now are you ready to be a good girl, or do I need to keep going?” It was an easy enough question, but the answer was something so much more than what was underlined with the words. Zara needed this. He knew that deep down. The release from the pain couldn’t happen overnight. And he knew her kind. Knew how once she reached her limits, that somewhere deep within herself she’d begin to heal. And no matter what it took, Rogue was going to be by her side every step of the way through her heartbreaking journey.
“I asked you a question, Zara. Answer it.”
“More,” she whispered.
Cooper looked up and waited for Rogue’s i
nstruction. His two mates had so much to learn, but the fact that Cooper knew to be so compliant at the right times was a great start.
“Flip her over and cradle her, Cooper.”
He obeyed and Zara’s eyes were red as she looked at him. Rogue smoothed back the hair that was sticking to her face from the tears that had escaped. “Close your eyes, darlin’.” Rogue brushed his fingertips over her lids and she obeyed. The small victory sent a tingling warmth through his chest. Slowly, he leaned forward and placed light kisses over her face. When he reached her mouth, Zara’s lips parted.
To kiss her as he was went beyond intimate for Rogue. Sure he’d kissed out of passion before, but like this…never. The length of his fingers traced down her cheek until they met with her jawline. Gently, he brushed his lips over hers. “I know you’re not ready for us yet, but I vow to you from this moment on, regardless of where you stand, I will protect you. Cherish you. And spend the rest of my life trying to make you love me. I know Cooper feels the same way. Just give us a chance to prove that to you. Don’t ask us to leave, Zara. Let us stay. I promise you won’t regret it. We won’t fail you.”
Blue eyes opened and met with his. They quickly flashed to Cooper. As she looked between them, he had no idea what she was thinking. Only what she was feeling. And fear outweighed the sadness, and even the curiosity.
For the first time Rogue took his eyes off of her and looked around. Pictures of her, and who he assumed was George, littered the walls. The smile on both of their faces showed just how truly happy and different she had been. The woman he saw wasn’t his Zara. Not anymore, anyway. Could he get her back to that state of happiness? Rogue had no idea, but he was damn well determined to give it everything he had to make it possible.
“I have a guest bedroom.” She leaned her face into Cooper’s chest and sobbed. All Rogue could do was watch his mate pull her deeper into his chest and hold her tighter.
“We’re here for you, Zara,” Cooper whispered to her. “You don’t have to go through the pain alone anymore. We feel it, too, just as if it was our own.”